• Build
  • How to build the project locally

  • Configuration
  • Configure the project to run in production, test and local environments

  • Deployment
  • Deploy the application

  • Functions
  • Hook functions for processing orders and other backend tasks

  • Graphs
  • Visualise IOT data from a google cloud database

  • Shopify
  • Link the LIMS runs with the stock orders

👉 Get Started

Install dependencies

npm install

Update your .env file with values for each environment variable

etc ...

Install the Vercel CLI

npm install -g vercel

Link codebase to a Vercel project and run development server

vercel dev

When the above command completes you’ll be able to view your website at http://localhost:3000.

Note: You can run just the front-end with npm run start, but vercel dev also handles running your API endpoints (located in the /api directory).

🥞 Stack

This project uses the following libraries and services:

📚 Guide

import { Link, useRouter } from "./../util/router.js";

function MyComponent() {
  // Get the router object
  const router = useRouter();

  // Get value from query string (?postId=123) or route param (/:postId)

  // Get current pathname

  // Navigate with the <Link> component or with router.push()
  return (
      <Link to="/about">About</Link>
      <button onClick={(e) => router.push("/about")}>About</button>
import { useAuth } from "./../util/auth.js";

function MyComponent() {
  // Get the auth object in any component
  const auth = useAuth();

  // Depending on auth state show signin or signout button
  // auth.user will either be an object, null when loading, or false if signed out
  return (
      {auth.user ? (
        <button onClick={(e) => auth.signout()}>Signout</button>
      ) : (
        <button onClick={(e) => auth.signin("hello@divjoy.com", "yolo")}>Signin</button>
import { useAuth } from './../util/auth.js';
import { useItemsByOwner } from './../util/db.js';
import ItemsList from './ItemsList.js';

function ItemsPage(){
  const auth = useAuth();

  // Fetch items by owner
  // Returned status value will be "idle" if we're waiting on
  // the uid value or "loading" if the query is executing.
  const uid = auth.user ? auth.user.uid : undefined;
  const { data: items, status } = useItemsByOwner(uid);

  // Once we have items data render ItemsList component
  return (
      {(status === "idle" || status === "loading") ? (
        <span>One moment please</span>
      ) : (
        <ItemsList data={items}>
npm install -g vercel

Add each variable from your .env file to your Vercel project, including the ones prefixed with “REACT_APP_”. You’ll be prompted to enter its value and choose one or more environments (development, preview, or production). See Vercel Environment Variables to learn more about how this works, how to update values through the Vercel UI, and how to use secrets for extra security.

vercel env add plain VARIABLE_NAME

Run this command to deploy to a unique preview URL. Your “preview” environment variables will be used.


Run this command to deploy to your production domain. Your “production” environment variables will be used.

vercel --prod

See Vercel Deployments for more details.

Project Configuration

The Opencell BioHotel Lims uses a number of different data sources.

To start the project locally, first install the vercel cli as detailed above.

Data is stored in cloud firestore, create a project and generate a set of credentials which are needed for the following environment variables.


This will allow firebase to connect to your app.

The firestore database requires records in some of the following formats:

  • Users

    • email
    • role (set as empty or admin to enable admin view)
    • workflows (collection created by application)
      • createdAt
      • elements (JSON encoded string of the workflow graph)
      • id (autogenerated)
      • name
    • runs (collection created by application)
      • createdAt
      • id
      • owner (owning user ID)
      • status (string such as created)
      • workflow (id of workflow used for the run)
  • Cells (collection of cells)

    • blockIdentifier (unique readable name)
    • blockType (input, output, default determines cell join logic)
    • consumables (array)
      • merchandiseGid (shopify item variant id gid://shopify/Product/6679469129795)
      • minQuantity
    • cost: (number)
    • createdAt
    • id
    • owner (creating user)
    • primary (primary text)
    • secondary (secondary text)
    • secondaryDesc (description)
    • steptime (time for cell to run, number)
    • instances (collection)
      • labID (id of lab of cell)
      • reference (cell name or identifier)
      • availability (collection, different types booking or closure allows a continuous period of booking or recurring periods of bookings)
        • if BOOKING TYPE
          • createdAt
          • updatedAt
          • startDate
          • endDate
          • recordType == booking
          • createdAt
          • updatedAt
          • startDate
          • endDate
          • recordType == closure
          • runningDays : string encoded bitmask of length 7 01111111
          • runningHours: string encoded bitmask of length 24 000001111111000000101110
          • runID
          • userID
  • Labs

    • createdAt
    • id (same as document ID)
    • name (string)
    • owner (creating user document ID)
  • Sensors

    • cellInstanceID
    • createdAt
    • id (same as document ID)
    • labID (ID of linked Lab by name)
    • owner (owning user document ID)
    • sensorID: name of Sensor e.g onewiresensor2 same as registered in IOT core
    • sensorType e.g tempprobe


The project uses CubeJS to render sensor data. You can either create an account or host your own instances. the .env file needs an CUBEJS_API_SECRET= for graphing and authentication with the service to work

CubeJs needs to be given access to the BigQuery database in which the sensor data is written.

Data storage and pipelines

Data for the LIMS is stored in the Firestore instance, sensor data is piped to a BigQuery instance using a standard google cloud dataflow template. (Job name Pub/Sub Topic to BigQuery)

Data for the sensors is passed from an ESP8266 sensor to the google cloud IOT gateway.

In addition to this, the data can be analyzed in stream by creating a dataflow pipeline with code from this repo. This model analyzes temperature data and if it breaches a certain threshold will write this error to a message queue.

Messages from this queue can be consumed by a cloud function and written to an alerts collection in the firestore database.

n.b use own service account credentials or load from the environment

// * Background Cloud Function to be triggered by Pub/Sub.
// * This function is exported by index.js, and executed when
// * the trigger topic receives a message.
// *
// * @param {object} message The Pub/Sub message.
// * @param {object} context The event metadata.
// */

const { initializeApp, applicationDefault, cert } = require('firebase-admin/app');
const { getFirestore } = require('firebase-admin/firestore');

const serviceAccount = {
    "type": "service_account",
    "project_id": MY_PROJECT_ID,
    "private_key_id": MY_PRIVATE_KEY_ID,
    "private_key": PRIVATE_KEY,
    "client_id": CLIENT_ID,
    "auth_uri": AUTH_URI,
    "token_uri": TOKEN_URI,
    "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": CERT_URL,
    "client_x509_cert_url": X509_CERT_URL
    credential: cert(serviceAccount)

exports.helloPubSub = async (message, context) => {
    console.log(message, 'message')

    const db = getFirestore();
    // get the RUN id and the user ID
    const data = message.data
    let buff = Buffer.from(data, 'base64');  
    let text = buff.toString('utf-8');
    const body = JSON.parse(text)

    const docRef = db.collection('alerts').doc()

    const resp = await docRef.set(body)

BigQuery Schema

The following BigQuery schema is a mapping of the data passed from the sensors into the system.

Typically sensor1 and sensor2 are enabled and used for temperature and humidity data, sensor3 is used for battery voltage.

  • sensor1value NUMERIC NULLABLE
  • sensor2Value NUMERIC NULLABLE
  • sensor3Value NUMERIC NULLABLE

Data is timestamped and linked to a particular sensor, this can be linked to the device / cell / lab as per the firestore schema above.

Shopify Integration

The LIMS system has a notion of supplies needed to complete runs.

We achieve this by linking the runs and workflow builder to a separate instance of shopify and using it’s graphQL api to create baskets of products.

Shopify requires a GraphQL app to be created, a current store and a storefront access token to get data from the store to the client application.

The consumables are to be registed in the companion shopify instance and are to be used as part of the workflow planning stage.

Shopify function hooks

As part of the ordering process, the LIMS application needs to know when an order has been placed through shopify. There is a google cloud function provided to update the run with the order ID from shopify using the shopify hooks API.

// * Background Cloud Function to be triggered by Pub/Sub.
// * This function is exported by index.js, and executed when
// * the trigger topic receives a message.
// *
// * @param {object} message The Pub/Sub message.
// * @param {object} context The event metadata.
// */

const { initializeApp, applicationDefault, cert } = require('firebase-admin/app');
const { getFirestore } = require('firebase-admin/firestore');

const serviceAccount = {
    "type": "service_account",
    "project_id": MY_PROJECT_ID,
    "private_key_id": MY_PRIVATE_KEY_ID,
    "private_key": PRIVATE_KEY,
    "client_id": CLIENT_ID,
    "auth_uri": AUTH_URI,
    "token_uri": TOKEN_URI,
    "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": CERT_URL,
    "client_x509_cert_url": X509_CERT_URL
    credential: cert(serviceAccount)

exports.updateOrder = async (message, context) => {
    console.log(message, 'message')

    const db = getFirestore();
    // get the RUN id and the user ID
    const data = message.data
    let buff = Buffer.from(data, 'base64');  
    let text = buff.toString('utf-8');
    const body = JSON.parse(text)
    const attributes = body.note_attributes
    const run = attributes.find(attr => attr.name === "runID")
    if (!run) {
        console.log('not a run order')

    const runID = run.value
    const user = attributes.find(attr => attr.name === "userID")
    if (!user) {
        console.log('invalid as no user id')
        throw new Error("user ID not set")

    const userID = user.value

    const updateData = { runID, userID, orderUrl: body.order_status_url }

    const docRef = db.collection('users').doc(userID).collection('runs').doc(runID);

    const resp = await docRef.update({ order: updateData, status: 'ordered' })